ADULT ART PARTIES: Let us entertain you and your friends at your home in the Côte d’Azur, South of France! All materials and equipment are included in this fun afternoon (or morning if preferred): Easel, canvas, paints, paintbrushes, and fabulous fun step-by-step tutoring to turn your piece of art work into a treasured piece you will keep for year, along with the fun memories and laughs you will have had making it! Adult art parties on the Riviera are 3 hours. This includes set-up and pack-up time. A table and chairs will be required for this activity. Contact us below for pricing.

KIDS ART PARTIES: Whether you are planning a birthday party for your child or would like an afternoon of great fun for your children and their friends, we take care of the artistic fun! 2 hours of painting fun, with breaks in a relaxed atmosphere. All equipment and materials included: Easel, canvas, apron, paints, brushes, pencils. A table and chairs will be needed for this activity.

Art parties Riviera
Art parties for kids Riviera
family art parties with a tutor Riviera
Art birthday parties on the Riviera for kids
Painting parties for kids Riviera in English